Events Calendar

An American Generation’s Journey through the 20th Century

Friday, April 22, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Delivered on Zoom
Living on the Edge: An American Generation’s Journey through the Twentieth Century

Living on the Edge: An American Generation’s Journey through the Twentieth Century

April 22, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Delivered on Zoom

RSVP to for Zoom details.

Dr. Rick Settersten
University Distinguished Professor of Human Development and Family Sciences , University of Oregon


Dr. Glen H. Elder
Odum Distinguished Research Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Based on lifelong data drawn from the iconic Berkeley Guidance Study, Living on the Edge tells the story of the rarely studied 1900 generation as they navigated a century of revolutionary change. Most surprising is how relevant and relatable the lives and experiences of this generation are today, despite the gap of a century. From the reorganization of marriage and family roles and relationships to strategies for adapting to a dramatically changing economy, the challenges faced by this earlier generation echo our own time. The book offers an intimate glimpse into not just the history of the United States, but the feelings, dreams, and fears of a generation remarkably kindred to the present day.

Contact if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make these events accessible to you.

Department of Sociology
Department of Sociology
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