Write Now! Presents: Saeed Teebi and Jules Lee
Room: Conron Hall 3110
Saeed Teebi (writer-in-residence)
Saeed Teebi is a writer and lawyer based in Toronto. His debut collection of short stories, Her First Palestinian, published in 2022, was a finalist for numerous awards, including the Atwood Gibson Writers' Trust Prize and the Rakuten Kobo Emerging Writer Award. His short story "Her First Palestinian" was a finalist for the CBC Short Story Award. His next book will be a work of personal non-fiction titled You Will Not Kill Our Imagination. He is also working on a novel.
Jules Lee (student writer-in-residence)
Jules Lee is a writer from rural Ontario with a passion for short fiction and prose poetry. She is pursuing an Honours Specialization in English Language and Literature along with a minor in Environmental Geography. Her work explores the unreliability of memory, transience, and the interconnections of everyday life. She is the creative director of ICONOCLAST Collective. Some of her works have appeared in Symposium, SNAPS, and Huron’s Grubstreet. When she’s not reading or writing, Jules enjoys making specialty coffees, discovering new music, and taking photos with her 35mm camera.
About Write Now!
This talk is part of Writing 2520A (Write Now! - Writers on Writing) offered by the Department of English & Writing Studies at Western University. Writing 2520A is organized around a series of lectures by writers. Every week, a new writer visits the class to read from their work, talk about their writing and their career, and answer questions. Guest lectures are open to Western students, staff and faculty.
For more information about this course, please visit our course information page.
Everyone is welcome!