Events Calendar
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December 5, 2024

I-dentify | Cohen Commons

Monday, September 14, 2020
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
John Labatt Visual Arts Centre (VAC)
Cohen Commons

As of  September 17th 2020, the Artlab Gallery and Cohen Commons will be operating virtually.

In-person visits are not permitted at this time.

Please email Ruth Skinner for additional details.


The individual within society – a dynamic that presents “other,” “othering,” and “otherness.”

Pulling from their personal identities and life experiences, four artists question the reality of the self and come to terms with what has marked each of themselves as “other.” Specifically, they address the implications of being biracial, multicultural, and multilingual in a world that affirms the self to be a single entity belonging to a single group, to a single race, to a single culture, to a single language. Their explorations reveal the complexity involved in one’s relationship with society.

Including drawing, painting, sculpture, video, and installation works, I-dentify. serves to remind us of the agency we have in defining and redefining our “self,” in understanding where we’ve come from, what we’ve been through, and how we, in turn, identify.

Featuring work by: Peter Dickson, Rachel Elias, Aisha Hassen, and Jimin Lee

Ruth Skinner
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