Events Calendar

Modeling meteoroid environment from spacecraft, A. Moorhead

Thursday, September 12, 2019
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Physics & Astronomy Building (PAB)
Room: 100

Department of Physics and Astronomy


Dr. Althea Moorhead

NASA, Meteroid Environment Office
Marshall Space Flight Center

“Modeling the meteoroid environment as seen by spacecraft”


Meteoroids pose the largest risk to spacecraft outside of Earth orbit. Millimeter-sized meteoroids make up the bulk of this risk; however, in-situ detections of millimeter impactors are vanishingly rare. We therefore rely heavily on in-atmosphere meteor observations to constrain our models of potentially hazardous meteoroids. This talk will introduce two key models produced by NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office: the Meteoroid Engineering Model (MEM), which describes the sporadic or background component of the environment, and our annual meteor shower forecasts, which predict the increase in flux spacecraft may see due to meteor showers. I will describe each model, present recent improvements, and highlight how meteor research conducted at the University of Western Ontario feeds into these models.

STUDENTS – after the talk, you’re encouraged to return to the 2nd floor Atrium lounge to meet with the speaker.
COFFEE – coffee and cookies will be available in the 2nd floor Atrium lounge at 1:15 p.m.
CELL PHONES – as a courtesy to the speaker and audience, please set your cellphones to “silent” mode. Thanks!
Prof. Peter Brown
Jodi Guthrie - Assistant to the Chair
519-661-2111 ext. 86438
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