Events Calendar

Mapping the Chalatenango Massacres

Wednesday, January 17, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:20 pm
FIMS and Nursing Building (FNB)
Room: 4130 (or Zoom)
Lecture poster featuring Amanda Gryzb and team on site in El Salvador

"Mapping the Chalatenango Massacres: Community-Based Research in El Salvador"

Presented by Professor Amanda Grzyb, Adriana Alas Lopez, Yarubi Diaz Colmenares, Maria Laura Flores Barba, and Zack MacDonald as part of the FIMS Seminar Series 2023/24.

Attend in person: FNB 4130
Attend online: Register for Zoom link

Description: During the Salvadoran Civil War (1980-1992), the government armed forces and allied militias massacred thousands of civilians as part of their brutal counterinsurgency operations. For the last five years, the surviving Memory in Postwar El Salvador research team has worked collaboratively with survivors from Asociacion Sumpul to co-create an interactive online map of massacres in the department of Chalatenango, including video testimonies and precise GPS coordinates for each location. In the talk, Amanda Grzyb (FIMS), Adriana Alas Lopez (FIMS), Yarubi Diaz Colmenares (French Studies), Maria Laura Flores Barba (Hispanic Studies), and Zack MacDonald (Western Libraries) will provide an overview of the project and reflect on the research objectives, methodologies, processes, and community impacts of the team’s collaborative mapping work. Surviving Memory in Postwar El Salvador is supported, in part, by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, The Canadian Foundation for Innovation the Ontario Research Fund, Western Research, the Faculty of Information and Media Studies, and Asociacion Sumpul.

Faculty of Information and Media Studies
karen Kueneman

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